Are you looking for the best creative business card designs of this month? If yes, then you are in the right place! Here at Tapzo, we have scoured through the internet for amazing business card designs to bring you a selection of our top picks just for February 2023. From traditional cards with bold typography to vibrant multi-coloured creations that will make your clients remember your brand, we’ve got everything a graphic designer needs to be inspired for their own professional and eye-catching business cards.
Cards listed are in no particular order, this is just our top 20 we found online this month.
1. IDSVBC by Brando Corradini

This awesome design by Brando Corradini kicks of our list for the best business card designs of the month and what an entry it is. Instant impact with the stark contrast of black and white. The beautiful textures throughout the design set the grungy dark tone perfectly. Information displayed in a clear, concise way, despite the spacing being tight. This design is a hit at the Tapzo studio.
2. Kalina Stoicheva by Kalina Stoicheva

This business card design by Kalina Stoicheva is super clean, the color combination is very easy and pleasant on the eyes. We love the minimal bold approach of no contact information other than the name. We love the thought of imagining that if the person you handed the card to wanted to work with you bad enough, they would have to find you to reach out. Maybe not the most practical approach, but 100% guarantees that if they do find your details, they are committed to working with you!
3. Danielle Coetzer by Danielle Coetzer

This business card plays with gorgeous shapes from their logo and a stunning color palete. Dani Coetzer created this design for themselves and we think that they did a great job! Whats more impressive is that they managed to make a QR code, which normally, lets be honest… tend to stand out like a sore thumb, but Dani made it just blend into the background effortlessly.
4. Lilli Collins by Haley Helmold

This business card created by Haley Helmold, for Lilli Collins, is beautifully designed. The spacing and minimal approach to the design is a hit! No distractions, just color, spacing and exceptional typography. We love the contrast between both sides and feel confident that if you handed this card out, it would get noticed.
5. Fecina by Fecina

Whats not to love with this business card design by Fecina. The toned down colors are super fun and exciting, whilst not being jarring to the eyes. The mixture of Embossed/Debossed depending on which side you are looking at, the gold foil on amazing card stock makes these business cards stand out beautifully.
6. 11Eleven Studio by Shlok Tiwari

These business cards by Shlok Tiwari for 11Eleven Studio are very minimal, but are bold and stand out nicely. Just the bare minimum information, makes these cards feel calm and not busy. With a strong logo carrying the design
7. Jina Ham by Jina Ham

We love the color choices by Jina Ham on this business card design they created for themselves. The hand print mixed with the arrow graphics create a sense of mystery and draw you into wanting to find out more. A great example of a strong excellent business card.
8. Claire Ginestoux by Por Qué No Studio

Por Qué No Studio hit the ball out the park with this design they created for Claire Ginestoux. The beautiful color scheme and floral illustration running through the card is gorgeous to look at and bring a sense of hapiness when looking at. The pastel purple and orange contrast each other perfectly, and the unique fold out shape make this card stand out in a great way.
9. Langer’s Entertainment Center by Patrick Penner

We make memories… well this card sure brought us back. Talk about nostalgia! This design by Patrick Penner is an excellent example of a brilliant business card design. An old school feel to the design from the great typeface choice, ties great with the brand slogan; we make memories. Great color combination of green and orange, against a warm off-white background make this card design very pleasant to to look at but stand out at the same time.
10. Hinu by Disha Bhosale

Disha Bhosale designed this awesome business card for Hinu and we got to say; we love it! Not all business cards have to be over the top. In fact, in our opinion a minimal design with core graphic design principals running throughout such as spacing and layout tend to be the best designs. The embossed logo and excellent typeface make this minimal card super clean and a brilliant business card design.
Hello, hi.

So we’re halfway of the best business cards of February 2023 that we found online. We just wanted to quickly thank you for making this far into the article, but also quickly tell you about ourselves; Tapzo.
We create awesome smart sustainable business cards that are a great modern alternative to regular business cards. Share your contact details, social links and more by just tapping our smart business card onto a smartphone. With your contact details being able to be downloaded directly to that smartphone’s contacts, so they don’t ever loose your details!
You can track how many people have interacted with your contact profile and more importantly see how many people have downloaded your contact details onto their phone.
Gone are the days of needing to re-print when details change, or you run out of cards. Whats more is that all business cards end up in the bin eventually. That’s 8 billion business cards thrown away each year. That’s a lot of waste! Our cards last a lifetime and only require you to have one card so are a great sustainable alternative as they have a much smaller footprint.
If you’re interested and want to join the future of business cards, check us out. You won’t be disappointed.
Yeah, yeah we know… back to the list!
11. Kings States Real Estate by Solomon Mike

Soloman Mike created this business card and we think that they created an excellent business card. We love the curved cut off corners making this card feel softer, but with such stark contrasting black, red and white color scheme compliments the harsh and soft perfectly. This is a strong design that stands out great.
12. MYTH by Minn Phyoe

This minimal clean business card plays with a simple approach of black and white and a stunning fluid illustration, which results in a beautiful business card. The curved cut off corners work perfectly with the flow of the illustration. All together the strong contrasting black and white color scheme is balanced perfectly by the softness of the card shape and illustration.
13. MON PROJET BAT by Clic Clac

We love the complimentary color scheme used by Clic Clac for this design mixed with a super fun logo being used to create a pattern at the bottom of the card. We appreciate the layout and spacing of all the elements on this card combined with the comforting greens, make this card stand out nicely.
14. Tattoo by Osman Sabah

This business card by Osman Sabah is an excellent example of tone of design. The dark black textured card stock, with the silver-ish white illustration compliment each other perfectly and set the perfect scene for a business card for a tattoo artist. The typeface is a perfect choice and further compliments the design further. Overall a brilliant business card design.
15. Wine by Mayla De Fazio

At Tapzo we’re a sucker for vertical business cards. We just don’t understand why more cards aren’t designed this way. None the less, this design by Mayla De Fazio is another beautiful example of a great business card. The vertical design works great with the wine theme and we really appreciate the tiny amount of red, further playing with the wine theme without being too in your face. The typeface is also brilliant and works very well with the overall look.
16. Brave by Melike Hasgül

Two vertical business cards in a row?! We did say we really like vertical designs! What’s not to love about this beautiful minimal design by Melike Hasgül? Ironically the brand name being brave and it’s always a brave choice going for such a minimal approach, but it paid off massively! This is a business card that is strong in design and stands out for all the right reasons.
17. IW House by Aziz Maksumov

Aziz Maksumov created this business card design and as with other cards on this list, you may notice that a simple minimal approach tends to create stunning results! This business card is no exception. We really appreciate the centre aligned text being offset from the centre of the card, small little details like this are vital and make or break minimal designs.
18. Simge Bektaş by Simge Bektaş

We love the fun playfulness of this business card design by Simge Bektaş that they created for themselves. The choice to go with curved cut off corners with the textured illustration pattern create a sense of joy. Whilst the black and white color scheme creates excellent contrast. Overall this design stands out and is a great design.
19. The Green Thinking Co by Victoria Friedman

We love the choice by Victoria Friedman to go with a green background with white to contrast on the logo and text instead of the other way round. The simplicity of the card design is carried by the fact that the green background shouts exactly what the brand is…green. It may seem simple but it’s a clever play with color to emphasise a brand and an excellent example of how powerful color is.
20. SONOGRAPHIC by Shiping Sheng

Now this final entry is…excuse the pun; our wild card! Who said that a business card needs to be an actual card? There is absolutely no question that these ‘business cards’ by Shiping Sheng stand out! Not shown in the photo above, but there are multiple different illustrations on the front that work perfectly with the lighter theme. These business card lighters are awesome and are for sure a conversation starter.