Reduce: Emissions

99% less water / 88% less CO₂ / 85% less energy
Say goodbye to your single use disposable paper business cards

A truly sustainable alternative

At first glance, traditional paper business cards seem harmless. They’re made from a recyclable, sustainable* material and have been a go-to for decades.

So, what’s the issue with paper business cards?

The problem isn’t the paper itself; it’s how we use it.

For some reason, we tend to view sustainable materials as a free pass for wasteful habits.

Take the paper straw for instance. It’s better than plastic, sure. But does that make it good for the planet? Not at all.

In fact, the best alternative to a plastic straws is… no straw at all.

But because it’s paper, we often overlook its footprint. We pat ourselves on the back for avoiding plastic, without considering the water, energy, and CO₂ emissions it took to produce that paper straw, or the methane it will release as it breaks down.

Now apply that logic to the 8 billion, single use disposable paper business cards printed every year. And here’s the ironic kicker: most of these cards have a thin layer of laminate, making them nearly impossible to recycle.

In the end, it’s not about the material itself. It’s about how we choose to use, interact with, and respect it.

Isn’t it time we rethink our approach and kick our bad habits?

Don’t be a tosser… Cut the habit of single use, disposable business cards.

It pays to be sustainable. By switching to Tapzo you not only cut your emissions but your print costs drastically too.

CO₂ Emissions

1,000 Paper Business Cards
1,000 uses Tapzo
748% more CO₂ emitted
88% less CO₂ emitted
950 g CO₂ emitted
112 g CO₂ emitted
15,000 Paper Business Cards
15,000 uses Tapzo
843% more CO₂ emitted
89.4% less CO₂ emitted
14.25 kg CO₂ emitted
1.51 kg CO₂ emitted

kWh Energy Consumed

1,000 Paper Business Cards
1,000 uses Tapzo
555% more energy consumed
85% less energy consumed
2.8 kWh consumed
0.427 kWh consumed
15,000 Paper Business Cards
15,000 uses Tapzo
839% more energy consumed
89.3% less energy consumed
43.5 kWh consumed
4.63 kWh consumed

Water Consumed

1,000 Paper Business Cards
1,000 uses Tapzo
11150% more water wasted
99.1% less water
2.7 litres water wasted
0.024 litres of water wasted
15,000 Paper Business Cards
15,000 uses Tapzo
168650% more water wasted
99.9% less water wasted
40.5 litres water wasted
0.024 litres of water wasted
1,000 Paper Business Cards
1,000 uses Tapzo
748% more CO₂ / 555% more energy / 11150% more water
88% less CO₂ emitted / 85% less energy / 99.1% less water
950 g CO₂ emitted
112 g CO₂ emitted
2.8 kWh consumed
0.427 kWh consumed
2.7 litres water consumed
0.024 litres of water consumed
15,000 Paper Business Cards
15,000 uses Tapzo
843% more CO₂ / 839% more energy / 168650% more water
89.4% less CO₂ emitted / 89.3% less energy / 99.9% less water
14.25 kg CO₂ emitted
1.51 kg CO₂ emitted
43.5 kWh consumed
4.63 kWh consumed
40.5 litres water consumed
0.024 litres of water consumed

This comparison is calculated using 1,000 and 15,000 business cards as a comparison.

Calculation Breakdown and Sources

To create 1 metric ton PVC
15,880 kWh of energy is required.
1.5 metric ton of CO2 emissions.

An average 8g Tapzo card emits 12 grams of CO2 emissions (uses 0.1270 kWh to produce)

In addition, a single tap of a Tapzo card emits 0.1grams of CO2 (uses 0.0003 kWh)

Total CO2 emissions manufacture plus single use – 12.1g

To create 1 metric ton paper 2908 kWh of energy is required. 0.95 metric ton of CO2 emissions (Average, raw pulp 1.2-ton, recycled paper 0.7 ton).

An average 1g paper business card emits 0.95 grams of CO2 (uses 0.0029 kWh to produce)

Total CO2 emissions manufacture plus single use – 0.95g

Whilst a single use of each card compared result in 0.95g (paper) and 12.1g (Tapzo), results change rapidly from here as Tapzo is designed to be re-used indefinitely. 

Just 15 taps of a Tapzo card outweighs 15 paper business card which can easily be achieved in a single event or business meeting. (paper 0.95 x 15; Tapzo 12+ 0.1*15),eq%20GHG%20emissions%20on%20average.&text=The%20%20dominant%20factor%20influencing%20GHG%20emissions%20is%20energy%20%20use.&text=Pulping%20contributes%20about%2050%25%20of,impact%20of%20the%20paper%20%20making.&text=Straw%2Dbased%20pulping%20causes%20far%20more%20environmental%20%20impact%20than%20other%20types

Water consumption addition:

A lot of customers have asked for a breakdown comparison of water consumption.


2700 litres of water to 1 ton of paper. 1 business card weighs 1g = 2700/1000000 =0.0027 litres.

1000 Paper business cards: 0.0027 x 1000 = 2.7litres


3000 litres of water to 1 ton PVC, Tapzo card weighs 8g = (3000/1000000) x 8 =0.024 litres.

Helping businesses reduce their footprint and achieve net zero.